Preparing to move can be a very stressful time. There seem to be a hundred different things to do and next to no time to do them in, but with a good checklist and plan, just how to prepare for the move can be very simple.
Besides the packing itself, which is the fairly obvious part of preparing for the move, there are certain things that need to be done well in advance. Finding packing supplies and booking a reputable removal company is one of the first things that should be taken care of. House moves typically have a specific date on which they have to take place and the best removals companies are fully booked for months in advance. Ensure that the removals company you book has plenty of recommendations and is a part of the British Association of Removers (BAR), as they will have minimum standards they have to abide by.
The next main thing to consider is the movement of all personal records and information. Changes of address, utility bills and new registry at doctor’s practices and schools are all very important things that if left too late can cause unnecessary complication. Everyone from credit card companies to insurance companies and the DVLA all need to be notified about the change in address, as well as friends and family.
De-cluttering your home is one of the best places to start the physical moving process. Throwing out unwanted pieces of furniture and other items you’ve been hoarding can not only mean there’s less packing to be done, but the move can actually be cheaper in terms of what any removal company will charge. Similarly consider a temporary storage option for items that are not immediately necessary in the home, such as the contents of the garage or attic.
In the packing process itself, having labeled boxes which not only state the contents, but also the room they belong in is very helpful to a removal company. With this information the move can occur far quicker and smoother, as well as ensuring that items don’t get lost or misplaced. Maintaining a room plan and an inventory of items also ensures that items won’t go astray.
Finally, once the contents of your house have been removed, take stock of the house and ensure that there has been no damage done in the move itself. Photos taken before and after the move can help target exactly who is liable if something should go wrong. By creating a checklist and plan of exactly what needs to be done and when, preparing for the move should be a simple and easy process.