Central London is to removers as the Antarctic is to explorers; exceedingly challenging. In a city where there is always traffic, one way systems, narrow side streets, difficult building access and various vehicle restrictions, moving the contents of a house or flat requires considerable logistical creativity.
The traffic is the biggest difficulty when moving in central London. Even outside of rush hour the city is still racing. As a result, in London there’s never a good time to move house, but it’s definitely preferable after 10am and before 4pm. The location of the move also becomes important when considering traffic. If the location is part of a one-way system or in a narrow road, then the removal company must consider parking.
Parking is a big problem when moving in central London. There may be a chance that the removal van will require a parking permit of some sort, or congestion charges might need to be paid. Yellow lines and especially narrow streets can also hinder parking availability. Prior knowledge of the location and route is essential; otherwise you could be in for some nasty surprises.
Due to the nature of the city, where many central buildings are old, some streets might be narrow and the majority of the residences are apartments, access to property can be difficult. Yet, there are ways to side-step difficult access. The use of smaller vehicles, dismantling obstructions having first obtained permission (landlords don’t always appreciate windows being removed even if they will be put back) and various lifting equipment are all options. Cranes and platforms can be particularly useful to transfer furniture through windows and balconies rather than awkwardly shuffling up several flights of stairs. There are many cranes capable of reaching even up to the 12th floor.
The key to moving in central London, however, is planning. By knowing the route to the new location, the parking restrictions and any obstacles in terms of unloading the removals vehicle into the new residence, a lot of hassle can be saved on everyone’s behalf.